In Home Support

The Citizens of Maine In-Home Support program is the least restrictive residential model, designed to provide limited levels of support to an individual. Some individuals are living in their own apartments or with a relative or spouse, and need assistance with some, all, or a combination of tasks such as grocery shopping, banking, running errands, cleaning, cooking, laundry, medical appointments, or attending social events. Some individuals live with their families and have greater needs, but these needs are being met by the family, so occasional assistance is needed to teach new skills and promote greater independence.
Schedule a Visit

We encourage anyone in need of In-Home Support, or those who want to learn more about it, to schedule a time to sit down with us and discuss your situation or that of your loved one. In-Home Support is a residential program offered to individuals receiving MaineCare through Sections 20, 21, and 29 waiver programs.