Shared Living Program

Shared Living is a unique residential model that can be more creative than any other residential model. While the description can be compared to that of a Foster Family, it is more than that. A Shared Living provider can be a family, a single individual, a couple, a friend, a peer, a family member, or even a parent. Shared Living encompasses the idea of involving an individual in the life or lives of the Shared Living provider to provide an individual with a well-rounded, whole life program void of a rotating schedule in which the primary person providing support for an individual doesn't change.
Support & Financial Stability

Shared Living is more appropriate for an individual requiring less intensive support. Although many families caring for an adult child with more intense differences, choose this model, and find it to be the best way to provide that support and maintain financial stability. Shared Living providers are subcontractors, not employees of Citizens of Maine, but the expectation of high-quality care is maintained throughout and monitored on a regular basis. Shared Living is a residential program offered to individuals receiving MaineCare through the Section 21 waiver program.